Elevations and horizontal and vertical sections enable the viewer to access the detail of the measured object and to understand the complexities of the whole site.
Every renovation or restoration project requires a deep understanding of the geometry of the building. Façades, roofs and interiors are among the parts of the structure which we survey by laser scanning or photogrammetry (sometimes with direct measurement for certain interiors) in order to show them on 2D plots.
The plots which we produce from laser scanner data are very often of façades (or elevations), with a level of detail depending on the needs of the client.
The accuracy of such plots is consistent throughout the building. However large the extent of the surveyed façades, our laser and photogrammetric surveys guarantee half-centimetre accuracy.
Horizontal, vertical or perpendicular sections are easy to produce and remain homogeneous with the plotted façades in terms of consistent accuracy and equivalent level of detail. |